Kids Belt testing begins June 17 – June 29th. There will be a sign up sheet at the front desk.
We’re making some changes to our belt system to more closely adhere to the IBJJF kids belts. For the last 15 years, we have given kids their Grey & White belt when they would typically be getting their 3rd stripe on their white belt. We understand the value in rewarding kids in tangible ways for their hard work but also need to adjust our belt system to accommodate our ever growing competition team. We appreciate your patience while we adjust to the new system.
For kids who are CURRENTLY a Grey & White belt:
Parents: we’ll give you the option to either swap out your kid’s belt for a White belt with a Grey stripe (free of charge) OR they will keep their current belt until they have 4 stripes, and then take the new Grey & White belt test with the understanding that they’ll be in that belt for (approximately) an additional year but will be competing in the Grey belt division after they pass the Grey & White belt test.
To be eligible for White w/ Black stripe belt testing: your child must have attended AT LEAST 40 classes.
To be eligible for Grey & White belt testing: your child must have AT LEAST 3 stripes on their 2nd belt (either Grey & White or White with black stripe) and have competed at least once OR 4 stripes.
To be eligible for the solid Grey belt test: your child must have AT LEAST 3 stripes on their Grey & White Belt (3rd belt) and have competed at least once OR 4 stripes.
Here are links to all the current belt tests:
White w Grey Stripe
Grey & White Belt
Grey Belt
Grey & Black Belt
Parents, please review the belt test with your child so they have plenty of time to work on any techniques they don’t feel confident about. If there are more than 3 techniques they don’t feel comfortable with, you can schedule a private lesson with Christina, Rafael, or Graham.
If they’re still struggling to tie their belt (its a skill they need to pass the test!) here is an easy video showing how to do it :The Best Way to Tie Your BJJ or Judo Belt!